Deaf Smith Canyon Access
This is a survey by the community regarding the use of Deaf Smith Canyon trails. Your personal information is optional. In the event that access needs to be adjudicated, this information could be helpful, but an anonymous answer is better than none. If you choose to provide your email, we will keep you informed with current events.

We believe it is important to protect access to this beautiful canyon. There are proposed development plans that could threaten the few current access methods that cross through private property. Visit for more information.

Vist for more actions you can take to help promote continued access to this wonderful place.
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Deaf Smith Canyon
Name (optional)
Address (optional)
Email (optional)
Approximately, when did you start accessing Deaf Smith Canyon or the trails that provide access to it? *
Approximately, how often do you access Deaf Smith Canyon, or the trails that provide access to it? *
How do you usually access the canyon? *
Any other comments?
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